Helping your student with their college preparation can be an overwhelming task. Yet, the better they are prepared, the less regret you have and possibly less stress. How do you get your senior with a hidden disability prepared to make the shift to college?
For students with ADHD, learning disabilities, dyslexia, and mental health conditions, there is a lot more to prepare. It’s not just getting bedding, totes, and a mini-refigerator. It’s about mindset and expectations, self-awareness and knowledge about your disability, self-advocacy, time management, and focusing on mental health.
Each one of these areas requires time, focus, and intentionality. All are crucial components to college success. It’s best to get these steps down before your student steps foot on a college campus. If you wait, then your student has to play catch-up while trying to cope with the emotional stress and anxiety, and maintain grades and academic workload. That’s a lot to ask. It’s why I like letting you know ahead of time so your college preparation can be the best it can.
Help for your College Journey
Time Management For College Students
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