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 Replay Ep 1: From High School IEP to College Success

If you are new here or new to the podcast, get to know me and an introduction to why I am dedicated to self-advocacy for students transitioning from high school IEP to college success. It’s all about my journey as a father to a son with hidden disabilities and what that taught me about the power of self-advocacy in higher education.

As a college therapist and a former accessibility coordinator, I saw firsthand the unique challenges faced by students with learning disabilities, ADHD, and mental health, which led me to found Accessing College. Through this platform, I’m dedicated to empowering parents and students with learning disabilities by providing essential tools and skills to help students access college and succeed on their terms.

Help for your College Journey

My Book- Self-Advocacy for Higher Education: A Step by Step Guide to Preparing to Request Accommodations in College

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College Accommodations Checklist

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