man in black shirt sitting and writing; Self-advocacy for invisible disabilities

Self-advocacy for invisible disabilities.

I’ve said it before. K-12 does a horrible job of teaching self-advocacy for invisible disabilities. I find it tragic and neglectful that it’s not taught. A ton of people advocate for it, emphasize it, and even set goals for it. But they all get it wrong. What’s the best way to teach it and what do you need to do for your student to learn to self-advocate? I’ll tell you in this episode. So, get ready to take notes!

Here are eight episodes that focus all on self-advocacy for students with ADHD, learning disabilities like dyslexia, and mental health conditions. If you’re new to self-advocacy, these episodes will be a great primer for developing this in your student. These episodes cover why feel called to do this work, what happens when a student can’t self-advocate, the benefits of developing self-advocacy, and more. If you only listen to one episode, listen to episode 62: The importance of self-advocacy for hidden disabilities.

Self-advocacy starts here…

Self-advocacy all starts with self-awareness and builds from there. I’ve said it before and will continue sating it. You cannot advocate from a position of ignorance. As your student builds their awareness of their disability and how it affects them, their knowledge increases as does their ability and confidence to speak about it. Use these episodes to help you and your student develop self-advocacy for invisible disabilities.

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Help for your College Journey

Advocacy Transition Program

Self-Advocacy for Higher Education: A Step by Step Guide to Preparing to Request Accommodations in College

Time Management For College Students

Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer. Nothing should be construed as legal advice. If you need legal advice consult a lawyer. Although I am a therapist, I’m not your therapist. Any accommodations mentioned may or may not fit for your specific disability needs. All the information contained is for educational and informational purposes only.